9.80 €

Billboard "VEITH"
240 x 160mm

Billboard 160mm system

Dimensions: 240x160

Material: PVC hard foam board, 2mm thick.

Designed for the Nürburgring ‘advertising wall’ behind the grandstands on the back straight. Universally applicable. Suitable for the 160mm mast system.

Panel without mast!

Important note:
The motifs of the billboards are as close as possible to the original.
They have been painstakingly traced. Deviations from the original are possible.
The boards are intended for the creation of dioramas, the recreation of realistic scenes on the slot track or model miniatures.

Please read the "Building instruction / Information on our trackside advertising". There you will find a detailed description and examples of the many possible combinations.

  Building instruction / Information on our trackside advertising

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